A few years back I had the pleasure of seeing
The D'Urbervilles play a small venue in Waterloo, Ontario, which was fronted by a young and relatively unknown John O, a.k.a.
Diamond Rings. I was pretty blown away by their music and remember thinking the lead singer's dance moves were...unique. Time passed and I hadn't heard much about them, and then all of a sudden there was a
viral video being passed around of this Toronto artist that was pretty dope. John O's solo effort/alter ego; Diamond Rings had emerged. It was in a different direction musically then that of The D'Urbervilles, one that I think is worth checking out. I have enjoyed everything he has been putting out and tonight I saw a new video from him that blew me away enough to finally convince me it was time to showcase this awesome talent here. He has recently been the opening act for Robyn and is receiving high praise from all the internetz music blogs. When it comes to artists who represent Toronto, Diamond Rings has my vote.